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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Names La Noria Alvares though thats not my real name as I refuse to tell people online my real name. People call me Nora, Noria, Nocturnal Tears, Temari, Roxas, Roxy, Kris, France, Francy, Bel the Ripper and Moma Matsu. Lol I know I have alot of nicknames. Im an outgoing fun loving person who loves to meet new people. Halloween is my favorite holiday out of them all. I live on a ranch with 10 horses and spend all my time with them. I hate school and refusing to go back. I am graduating this year, so I no longer have to deal with the mindless look alike zombies called high school girls. I love to be outside but I hate the summer heat. Im a winter person and love the snow. If you want to know more message me sometime.I'm also Nocturnal Tears the creator and producer of Infinite Bliss Cosplay. Yes I am a cosplayer and I make most of my cosplays by hand. As a member I have FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions which I will answer below.1. My age? N/A. The reason why is because of some of our photo shoots and people like to flame.2. How long have I been cosplaying? Since Halloween 2006. Only three years.3. My first cosplay? Youko Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho and Temari from Naruto.4. My favorite cosplay? I have two. Roxas from Kingdom Hearts and Matsumoto from Bleach. So far. XD5. My home convention? MetroCon in Tampa, Florida.6. What cosplays have I done? Privately which means no photos online. Roxas, Riku KH2, Tifa, Bel the Ripper from KHR, Hisagi from Bleach, Gaara from Naruto, Matsumoto from Bleach, Sora and Rolseletta from Kaliedo Star, and many more. lol7. Future cosplays? That is up in the air at the moment. But I am doing Roxas for MetroCon this upcoming year. The rest still have to be descided by me and my cosplay group.So that's it. if you want to know more like about Infinite Bliss. We have a profile for the cosplay group. So check it out. Ja Ne / ..

You are an Opportunist Seme!
Preying on the clueless is what you're all about. You really don't intend to hurt anyone, but if a bit of harmless manipulation can get you what you want, you're not beyond taking a little advantage of someone, which you figure is an even exchange for your companionship anyway. Not one for lots of drama, you are best paired with the Clueless Uke, who will appreciate your attention and never bat an eye at your slightly sneaky ways.
Most compatible with: Clueless Uke, Innocent Uke
Least compatible with: Badass Uke
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at , or find merchandise here .
You are a Sadistic Seme!
It takes a special kind of uke to appreciate the punishment you dish out. Making them beg for mercy is what you're all about. You give your uke the gift of pain, and the louder their moans are, the more satisfied with the relationship you'll be. It's no fun if they don't struggle, and struggle and torture is what the Dramatic Uke, your perfect match, lives for.
Most compatible with: Dramatic Uke
Least compatible with: Everyone else
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at , or find merchandise here .
What Nocturnaltears Means: N is for Naive

N is for Naive
O is for Overwhelming
C is for Cheerful
T is for Thrilling
U is for Unforgettable
R is for Rare
N is for Nutty
A is for Animated
L is for Loving
T is for Tender
E is for Explosive
A is for Adventurous
R is for Refreshing
S is for Sweet

What Does Your Name Mean?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Who I would like to meet would be other cosplayers and cosplay groups. The world needs more cosplayers and homosexuals. Lol. Sean conrey and David Bowey.

My Blog


Hey guys I haven't updated my blog as Nocturnal Tears from Infinite Bliss for a while. Well the IB's myspace is down since I forgot my login detail. Have to talk to Midnight for that one. Anyways I am...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Jan 2010 10:26:00 GMT

Twilight Bashing

Ok so my friends figured I should do this since they love hearing what I think of The Twilight SeriesĀ and Stephine Meyer (If I spelt her name wrong I dont care) So here we go.To me Twilight is knock o...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Nov 2009 15:46:00 GMT


Ok so most people don't know this but oh freaking well.So for the past I believe three years me and my best buds who I call my motorcycle buddies sneak out and throw some of the most epic parties imag...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 22:09:00 GMT


Run was the only thought in my head,     If I stop I'm going to be dead,     I don't want it all to end,     I'm just turning around the be...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 15:21:00 GMT

Child Forsaken Of Love

can a child forsaken of love be, well there's one sitting here to see, it's such a painful thing that i am, well it's like i'm one of the damn, just end it all for me, so i can be free, people say i s...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 17:12:00 GMT


Posted by on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 17:10:00 GMT


i cry myself to sleep at night, but not just to make a fright, it's a horrid thing filled with pain, but it makes me feel sain, i hate my life it needs to stop, or i'll make my neck go pop, yes i will...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 17:03:00 GMT

A Loss Of A Friend

down in the woods crying is there, not from a child but someone who cares. the sky mourning over the loss, everything wet even the moss,  a mother crying whose sick with dispair, i...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 16:02:00 GMT

is it just my place.....

 Is it just my place to run and hide? To have no friends till I die, To cry on shoulder that's not there, To go on living in despair, To live forever in endless tears, To hide away in all my fea...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 15:48:00 GMT