A Manhattan Transfer tribute, three piece Vocal Harmony Band based in Newcastle. Paula B who has worked in the entertainment industry for many years throughout the UK and Spain. Mainly performing tribute shows for all types of audience from Clubland to Rugby matches. She is the founder of the North East based STARFACTOR program which trains new entertainers from the beginning through to the finnished product.
Gary Manson and Tina Carmichael are amongst the first to reach professional status from the Starfactor.
Gary is from South Shields Tyne & Wear. He is a born entertainer who enjoys performing and has had little trouble with the challenges offered.
Tina is American born now living in Newcastle upon Tyne. She has also had little trouble meeting the challenge. She has proved to be a very valuable member of the band.
Together they will become one of the most popular bands of this type.Keep an eye on this space......................................
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