Dancing, High Heels, Fashion, Video Games, Photography, Modeling, Anime/Manga, Music, Movies, Japanese Things, Board Games, Dating, Dancing, Clubbing, and Friends -(of course)-
I'd ♥ To Meet The Following
Micheal Jackson
Marilyn Manson
Christina Aguilera
Steve Tyler
William Shakespeare
Walt Disney
Jim Carrey
Jet Li
Allan Rickman: Prof. Snape
Johnny Depp
Wilson Jermain Heredia: Angel Dumott Schunard
Recursion, One Eyed Doll, Shattered Morality, ADEMII, Bow Wow, Nelly, Boys 2 Men, Janet Jackson, Nelly Furtado, Kenny Chesney, Gretchen Wilson, Brooks & Dunn, Tobey Keith, John Williams, Akon, Selena, Entocable, Los Tigres del Norte, Norteno, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stephanie, Whitney Houston, Aerosmith, Tony Brackston, Utada Hikaru, Ayu-mi Hamasaki, BoA, Koda Kumi, Miyavi, Gackt, Malice Mizer, Whitesnake, Van Halen, Evanessence, Shakira, The Fray, My Chemical Romance... well I guess anything that expresses what I'm feeling, that I can dance to, and completely lose my self in.
Star Wars (all), Alien, Ghost, Dirty Dancing, Emma, Vanity Fair, Mansfield, Jakob the Liar, Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Patch Adams, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Edward Scissor Hands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetlejuice, The Shinning, Witches of Eastwick, Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet, Batteries not Included, E.T., Nightmare on Elm Street, Happy Feet, The Desent, American Haunting, The Good Shepard, The Good Son, Home Alone, KPax, Alaxander, 300, Gladiator, Troy, Van Helsing, The Persute of Happyness, Monty Pyton and the Search for the Holy Grale, Robin Hood Men in Tights, The Princess Bride, Neve Ending Story, The Labrynth, Tombstone, Casanova, Casa Blanca, It's a Wonderful life, Holiday Inn, Gorillas in the Mist, Vanity Fair, Ever After, Girl Interrupted... and tons more
CSI, Invader Zim, Avatar the Last Air Bender, Law & Order, Greys Anatomy, Mythbusters, DIY channel, National Geographic Channel, History Channel, Samurai Deeper Kyo, MTV, VH1, Degrassi, Daria, and Instant Star, Pucca, Judging Amy, and lots more...
Eragon, Death Note vol.I, Death Note vol.II, Death Note vol.IV, The Complete Works of Shakespeare
Tsugumi Ohba, George Lucas, William Shakespeare, Zhang Ziyi, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Michael Jackson, Utada Hikaru, Areosmith, Angelina Jolie, Winona Ryder.