My namez adriana... ppl call me ada or juss adriana... im a brunette n i have blueish/greenish eyes but the blue is better i liv in nj but i was born in the big apple im in 8th grade n go 2 bms im so polish. hungarian. german dats it...luvin my pup rokus(--- polish name dnt mak fun of) or u can call em roxii hes 3 years n a german shepherd... awwww so cute... i luv all my goodii friends... nat arii nic bec julii beckii ella casii kimbee dani sarah samii mia steph maya jenii etc... im not havin a bestest friend(too manii problems w/ dat rite now) i luv PTO(luv the music not all opera), HP4(LUV VIKTOR KRUM), Moulin Rouge(diamonds are a gurls best friend!), Wedding Crashers(soo funnii... haha... lmao)... luv 2 shop at aeropastale. abercombie. bebe. so much more stores...luv 2 partii at the canteens... I LUV STEWIEEEEE!!! eeyore n spongebob....
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