Art (painting, drawing, sculpting, photography), Literature (reading, writing stories), Yoga and Mediation, Nature walks, Swimming and Diving, Gardening, Food, Travel, and Ducks!
Potential friends for hanging out and doing cool activities together.
..Coldplay, Hooverphonic, Gorillaz, Mum, Delerium, BT, ATB, Pink Floyd, Green Day, Orbital, The Boards of Canada, Death Cab for Cutie
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Harry Potter Series, Finding Nemo, Momento, PI, Spirited Away, What the Bleep, Big Fish, Amelie, Pirates of the Caribbean (1 not 2!), Snatch, American Beauty, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Castle in the Sky
The Soup; The Daily Show; Friends; Malcolm in the Middle; Home Movies; Iron Chef; Discovery Channel; Sex in the City; Top Chef; Project Runway
"You have the Power, Choosing Courage in a Culture of Fear" by Frances Moore Lape & Jeffrey Perkins; "A Cup of Light" by Nicole Mones; Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl