ANGIE.. ♥ profile picture


fridge pickers wear big knickers

About Me

MySpace Codes pet friendly hotels myspace codes myspace layoutsmyspace codes myspace quiz Myspace Video CodesWell I try make sure I’m nice to people coz it’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice! And I smile lots! :) you should too! :) both to people you don’t know coz either they’ll smile back at you or just think you’re a creep. But ah well, spread the love around. And smile to those you do know coz it’s highly likely they’ll smile back and it’s just simply great to share smiles among friends. Blah. Either way just smile, coz I love smiling, smiling’s my favourite :) ok, well I’ll shoosh now, that’s quite a lot of blabbing on. You have a good day coz if you don’t I’ll get angry!! :) /////////////// oh wait, one more thing, just be yourself!, die an original not a copy! Copy’s are boring. Just picture this, close your eyes… NO, WAIT DON’T! coz if you do, you won’t be reading this and won’t know what to picture! Silly me :) …. Anyway, picture this, think of the person you look up to and admire and want to be just like (could be a celeb or someone). And imagine if you were exactly like him/her, in looks, personality etc. And imagine if everybody looked like that person that you believe is perfect.. looks pretty silly huh, life would be so so boring, I’d honestly go insane. No individuality, no fun.. just dullness. //////////// In all the world there’s no-body like me!! No-one has my smile, my eyes, my nose, my hair, my hands, my voice.. there may be similarities, but if you look closely, they are so not the same. No-body has my handwriting, no-body has my tastes (for food, music, art, bla bla) No-one laughs like me, no-one cries like me, and what makes me laugh and cry will never provoke identical laughter and tears from anybody else. EVER. I have my own set of abilities, and through all of eternity no-one will ever look, talk, walk, think or do like me, I’m rare. And in all rarity there is great value. Because of my great value, i don’t need to attempt to imitate others!!!anyway, if you'd like to know anything, just add my msn.... gucci_forema@hotmail.commuch love angel x..

My Interests

singing. friends. poetry. shopping. clothes. accessories. fashion. music. photos. flowers. butterflies. ana and mia. shoes. makeup. Likes*/// humphrey. writing. singing. music. rock. green. colours. rainbows. journals. nature. fantales. red grapes. fruit. red apples. long hair. humour. smiles. love. jokes. chicken. laughter. dory. photos. curls. fringes. eyeliner. mascara. blush. handbags. headbands. holdens. diamonds. beads. stars. candles. flowers. butterflies. friendship. floorboards. gardens. nail polish. tennis. rain. lightning. thunder. storms. waterfalls. strawberries. hazelnuts. summer. spring. parks. slides. swings. orange juice. red wine. sunshine. ribbon. countryside. goldfish. lemon. long necklaces. high heals. boylegs. bubbles. creativity. craftwork. inspirations. letters. textas. rings. bracelets. gift boxes. tissue paper. clouds. coffee. tea. hot chocolate. caramel. stairs. straight leg jeans.Dislikes*/// carpet. racism. abortion. divorce. abuse. hate. red meat. licorice. beyonce. kylie minogue. cricket. robbie williams. drawing. asparagus. seafood. bicycles. motorbikes. boats. yachts. rollerblades. flies. trams. rides. lemonade. white wine. beer. apple juice. cats. dogs. lime. solariums. shorts. barbie. bratz dolls. homework. maths. postcards. pencils. anklets. slurpees. icy poles. cellophane. dentists. optometrists. turkish delight. cookies. elevators. lifts. lollies. supre. flares. t-shirts.

I'd like to meet:

kewl, funny, nice people.. :)


aslee simpson. sandi thom. avril lavigne. switchfoot. krystal meyers. barlow girl. james blunt. evanescence. nightwish. 36 crazyfists. mudvayne. coldplay. black eyed peas. nickelback. the used. seether. blink 182. 3 doors down. michelle branch. fifi dobson. staind. garbage. pod. cog. drowning pool. speedstar. ill nino. lifehouse. 3 days grace. kelly clarkson. evermore. eskimo joe. panic! at the disco. bernard fanning. my chemical romance. senses fail. system of a down. rogue traders. vanessa carlton. garbage. onedollarshort. bon jovi. celine dion. ben harper. lenny kravitz. jack johnson. india.arie. jet. foo fighters. something for kate. alex lloyd. alicia keys. antique. the offspring. pulp. hinder. pantera. murderdolls. slayer. cradle of filth. abba. smashing pumpkins. sonic youth. body jar. lunachicks.


finding nemo. the phantom of the opera. a walk to remember. chitty chitty bang bang. the wizard of oz. mary poppins. sound of music. red eye. ice age. happy feet. milo and otis. elf. trapped. panic room. flight plan. a beautiful mind. the good teacher. ransom. anne of green gables. little women. jane eyre. secret garden. spongebob squarepants the movie. i am sam. the land before time. pride and prejudice. the neverending story.


law and order svu. the simpsons. csi miami. ncis. jericho. lost.


I don't read... lol :)


I believe that all my friends are heroes in their own special ways.. thanks for everything, i love you all very much :)

My Blog

Umm Quiz Thingy...

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Angel Birthday: January 22nd Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia Current Location: Melb.. Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brunette Height: Tall Right Handed or L...
Posted by Angie on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 04:23:00 PST