Bill Murray & The Beastie Boys.
The Graffiti Writers Survey By ORD0NE
What do you write? end
Were do you get up the most? downtown and hidden tunnels
When did you start? almost 2 years ago
Do people ever meet you and say "Damn I've seen you up." a lot
What is your favorite tool to write with? krylon or magnum markers
Any good chase stories? yea... couple close calls
How do you feel about biteing? i don't believe in it, everything came from somewhere
Give me an average night of bombing for yourself. get an empty purse or back pack and stuff it full of markers and tons of krylon (mostly ultra flat black) cruise downtown usually by foot, bike, or board, and just write on everything that can be written on as long as not too many people are lookin. Usually can't do it till after the bars close at 2 a.m. though.
Is graffiti a part of your life now? yes sir
How do you feel about legal walls? I think their good, but lots of dicks with spray paint just write on them to be annoying
What about getting paid to do graffiti style artwork? it has it's pro's and it has it's con's
What do you think of dissing would you cross someone out? I only cross someone out if I know I am better, if they are talking shit, or if they have crossed me out
Do you have a good bombing homie right now? meh... not really, my only graff homie in town is kind of retiring from graff.
When will you stop? hopefully never.... honest
Ever been cought how many times? nope, I hope I never do... I am pretty slick
Do you rack or buy paint? (keep it real) both... the amount of spray paint I buy would be way hard to steal... but paint markers and stuff... racked.
What other names have you used? I have always been true till the 'end'
Do you think graffiti is renewing or destroying the urbin community? "urban" it depends on the graffiti... if the kid is trying to make art for the sake of art then it is good... gang graff is bad for communities I think
Ever made your oun markers or ink? nah... not yet
Do you plan missions or jest go bombing ang freestyle the night? usually just free style and whatever comes to mind is natural...occasionally I plan something
Whould you say that graffiti has improved your life? uhhh it certainly makes me happy
Where do you stand politically? haha about the middle
Do you have an enemy, any beef at all? I have many enemies... hah.. I am not joking
Someone on there morning comute to work see you up, what do you want them to think? "that girls got style!"
Do you think graffiti is an addiction? absolutely
Ever been cut or broken any bones while on a mission haha I have been cut by some fences and fallen down some railroad track slopes
What i your ultimate goal? to live in New York and meet amazing graff artists
Whats your best can and tip combo? tip depends on the job, but always love ultra flat black - Krylon
Lets end with your favorit color sceme.&..39;>