About Me
boutDamn where do I start. I'm still learning things about myself so I'm going to start with things that are permanent right now. I'm Ashton Jovan. I was born in D-town of Colorado (denver) not Dallas. I'm real chill, nothing really gets to me other than being set back. I'm in college and will finish, then moving to Cali to try and become an Actor. I love working out. Eating Heathly - haha which in college isn't happening that often, alot of long nights and taco bell since there open the longest. I actually used to think that I'm to young to have a girl but I'm starting to notice that back then I was just to immature to have a girlfriend. I need one, soooo seriously. Theres nothing like a strong women on your side. I love being in the spotlight however I don't do things to get peoples attention. I'm not going to act bigger than I am. I know my role and I fit it perfectly. Things in a girl have to be the lips, eyes, hips, legs, ass, tits..That was the features, She has to give off a cool vibe, personality has to be straight, rocks fresh clothes, and knows what she wants and wont let anything stopper. I would like to have a girl who also kinda drinks but not to much. I like a girl who can drink a little. I don't like a smoker, unless for some strange reason she looks amazing doing it, and we would just be good friends. Need more ask.Layout made by
My Blog
Mr. Attraction..First off..FUCK YOU!!!I hate attraction!Its emotional distraction-Its a fuckin joke but no ones laughin'Its the Tear drop that shows the picture of "what the fuck happen?So am i Laughi...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 18:19:00 GMT
ASHTON BLOG: yeeeaaahhh booooiiiii!!!!!
ASHTON blogs : The Inauguration. And Change! Well women and men..Change has come, FINALLY. I know for many people they think today is the worst day in the history of mankind.lol {wow} ..But comments...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 14:18:00 GMT
about me chapter 1, and the only chapter
My name is Ashton Jovan Thomas-Fuller. Born in Denver Colorado on 9/11 please understand that is just a day something bad happend it is not a bad day. I was born a single child.. till i was idk 7ish m...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 22:19:00 GMT
contrary belief
To contraty beliefI cheif illuminated fractions of what i wrotePermote discrimination among everyone on boat9/11 wouldnt have happen if i didnt voteor if those admendments werent wrote?or is that to c...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 03:46:00 GMT
the hater poem... psalms 23 remix
Im overrated but 1 on the hate list//in their head so much u can call me a playlist//status like someone on the A list//class dismssed//learn while i teach//listen as i preach//maybe one day yall will...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 03:45:00 GMT
pornographic content
Is nonsence to the human conscious..excuse me.. all Men in common.hiddin under the covers like nobody saw him...Promiscuity propelled by a spellwouldnt even say if christ is virtual or realand to the&...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 03:40:00 GMT
what if i proposed
what if i proposed:
unconditional friendship love, as if it were as delicate as a roseover elapsing phone calls through myspace via tex about the wack n***a she done chose*undressing those - who to wh...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 03:34:00 GMT