"there is no such thing as the RIGHT time, but sporadic moments of opportunity"
-note to self
hmmm...where do i begin? i ain't about reading hella novels up in here, so i'mma keep this thang brief. first off, what you see is what you get. i am an absolute firm believer of the anti-"FRONT" concept... it's either you ARE or you AREN'T, or you DO or you DON'T... i have no one in my right mind to change for except the all-powerful Lord and Savior 'cause chances are, i wasn't placed on this very earth to please you. i could be your best friend, or simply the girl that wants to be next door to the house furthest away from you. randomosity , i believe, is the root of enjoying the most simple, but finer things in life...and that, collaborated with spontaneity is to live life to its damn near fullest. i appreciate constructive criticism and am almost always open to it. it allows me to reflect on my past, present, and most importantly, to predict my future. my biggest antagonists are =hating= and =preconceived notions= of any shape, size, and form... and even more so, people who strive on those corner stones of negativity. i say, "it aint no one else's life you're living but your own."...and i'd scream it with conviction all day everyday if it didn't make me look crazy. my life begins with the lord and ends with him. he is the almighty and to live according to him is to live in the light. i'm all about OLD SCHOOL, walks in the park, laying under the day or night sky, and forhead kisses. if those were as easily accessible as a breath of air, i'd be all over it... oh and one more thing, i'm angela, and i like to cuddle =)
the SKY's