Jen profile picture


I am but one small instrument

About Me

I love Jesus, my husband Timmy Saiki, my family, and the peeps at The Edge! I like to act crazy, dress up at Hume Lake, shop, and lip-synch to Spice Girls. I also love my BFF B.Fig and her beautiful daughter (my neice) Bella.
I think I want a baby Sloth!!!!!

My new Jimmy quote:
Play my little part in something big! ....Rock on young savior don't give up your hopes!

Galations 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

My Interests

Friends and family
The Edge and Beach Cities
Scrapbooking (nerdy-I know), tie-dye, trying to sew,& trying new things.
I really like to shop and watch LOST
Going to the Cove at Hume with Nikole and Megs(b/c they don't like it)

I'd like to meet:

Jesus of course (some day)


All kinds of music
Some fav's include:
Slightly Stoopid
Dave MAtthews Band
Bob Marly
Counting Crows
Neil Diamond
Jimmy Come Mundo
Tom Petty
Red West
Maroon 5
Wyclef Jean (can't spell in gangsta)
Jack Johnson
Hillsong United
Jars of Clay(the bomb and Tim and I met!)
Even some country!


Bring It On!!!
Almost Famous
Moulin Rouge
Dumb and Dumber
The Cable Guy
Fried Green Tomatos
Welcome To The Dollhouse
Just about any indie flick will do (Sundance and the Independent Film Channel are the bomb!)


Project Runway
Big Brother
CSI all of them
What Not to Wear (The BBC version)
Felicity re-runs (on WE if interested)


The Bible ( There's some good stuff in there, you should check it out)
Anything by Ayn Rand(Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead...)
Anything by Francine Rivers
Harry Potter series (so sad there is no more)
The Other Sister - Jodi Piccoult (alot of her other books are good too)
Frank Peritti series
Anything by C.S. Lewis (He's brilliant)
He Chose the Nails
I can pretty much read anything except boring text books


Jesus ChristJohn 3:30 He must become greater, I must become less.

My Blog


I really want a baby sloth, they are actually very cute creatures who utilize their feet in very amazing ways.  If anyone knows of a sloth adoption agency please tell me.  I think a baby slo...
Posted by Jen on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 01:33:00 PST

Bop It

I'm really sad that Bop It is no longer being made by Hasbro.  I really want one, so if anyone has a neglected Bop It laying around the house/garage, I will adopt it, you know, take it off your h...
Posted by Jen on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 11:29:00 PST


"If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I would not follow, I would be at the bottom to catch them when they fall." -unknown...
Posted by Jen on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 10:12:00 PST

The tension is here
Between who you are and who you should be
Between how it is and how it should be

Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I really think pooping is the most relaxing thing on Earth.
Posted by Jen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST