I'd like to meet:
mAiL mE
LoVe Me
HaTe Me
My PiCs
Live to Create
Tokyo, Japan, 2051
In July of 2051, Japanese company, Von Lush industries celebrated it's 10th year as the world's leading robot manufacturer, providing the world with state of the art 'Robotic Entertainment and Companion Systems' AKA R.E.C.S.
To celebrate the achievement of their 10th birthday, Von Lush industries were to unveil the prototype of their new model, Lolita Von Lush.
The Lolita model was to be their most human R.E.C.S to date, with interchangeable body parts, changeable hair colour and infinite memory and learning capabilities. The newest technology enabled the Lolita model to learn on its own and have a certain amount of free will providing that it did not directly hurt another living being.
The prototype, Lolita Von Lush, was set up to be interested in creativity, the arts and entertainment, so that it could amuse, entertain and serve the guests at the the demonstration party. The guests were hushed as the curtain pulled back and the little robot woman took to the stage. After preforming various tasks to show her human-like qualities, Lolita received a tremendous round of applause, but something went horribly wrong.
Some say a waiter spilled a drink, other decided it was down to bad engineering, either way, a small spark caused the main control center at the far end of the room to malfunction and catch fire. The guests fled in fear, but Lolita Von Lush just stood there, having never seen fire or known fear. Suddenly, there was a large, blue tinted electrical explosion and Lolita felt her light weight metal body being sucked forwards and spun around and around and...
When Lolita rebooted she found herself lying outside, in the dark in what looked like a junk yard. It was unbearably quiet, there were no cars flying overhead, no small Japanese people flying around with jet packs, nothing but a clear, starry sky. She fixed the lacerations in her synthetic skin, popped the wires back inside her legs and glued her knee cap back on. Inside her head, she connected to the internet and was shocked to find it wasnt the usual speed of 1000meg she was used to. A new feeling took over, one she hads never felt before as she looked at the date...15th of July 2008...she had somehow travelled back in time! She spent the next few hours downloading and learning things about the era she was trapped in, people wernt used to such high tech robots, she would have to remain incognito and disguise herself as a human to avoid causing panic... More coming soon