im cait but people call me yank, twinkie, shorty, bitch, fucker, ya know all the usuals. "what up yankstaaaaa" haha
the beach, bulmers, daniel bartholomew, "johnnnaaaay he thinks hes fine...fine enough to blow your mind johnnnaaaay", my gee unit crew especially the girrafe, getting massages, working with little kids, ireland, beer pong, fat frogs, csi, remembering how weird me and kelly were in highschool haha, traveling, sleeping in, finally being 21, my fake kerry accent "howre tings?", screaming SURPRISEEEEE at random times, meeting new people, being obnoxious, watching mary dance with pakistani men...WHERE TO FIND MEEEEE:
-March 8-15 KILLARNEY for ted's wedding
-March 16-june 1 KINSALE with the o'riordans
-June 1-june 19 BARLEYMOUNT WEST with my fav famiLEE
-June 19-26 SANTA PONSA for dan's birthday/ our 1 year
-June 27-november 20 BARLEYMOUNT again
-November 20-december 1- HFIELDDDD for thanksgiving with the boyVISIT ME!
My Interests
music, beer pong, taking buses to belmar to drink, hot tubs,vodka, making my parents hate me haha
I'd like to meet:
greys anatomy and one tree hill...loveeeeee em
davinci code...angels and demons...
My Blog
summer plans yayyy
sooooo i got my flight confirmation today....i leave june 22nd at 4:30 pm and get into shannon at 6:00 am on the 23rd!! ill be back at 9pm on september 1st...then on september 5th i finally turn 21!! ... Posted by shortcait on Thu, 11 May 2006 02:21:00 PST
new pics fuckersssss lots of drunken ass cait pics cause i know everyone from home misses those haha <3 2 months Posted by shortcait on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 02:54:00 PST
pics from st patties day and easter in ireland yay!
i misss everyone back in dirty jerzzzzzy
come visit fuckers!!!
kelly comes in august yayyy... Posted by shortcait on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST
paris may 9th! sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!! :) Posted by shortcait on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST