Cosmos & Tequila sunsets. Summer heat. Sudden bursts of creativity. Body piercings. Emeralds. Shoes & bags (I'm a girly girl). Art & Literature. Karma. Music (especially live music, outdoor shows are bonus). Free spirits and open minds. Caffine. Friends, family, loved ones.
Can you imagine no love, pride, deep fried chicken. Your best friend always sticking up for you... even when I know you're wrong. Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance, five hour phone conversations, the best soy latte that you ever had and me.
Amy Winehouse.
Metal, Rock n' Roll, Indie, Alternative, Soul, Grunge, Electro, Classical, R&B, etc.
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind.
Fight Club.
The Number 23.
The Notebook.
The Pursuit of Happyness.
Disney Movies! (The Lion King and Beauty & The Beast are my favorites).
All the Rocky Balboa movies.
Grey's Anatomy.
Dr. Phil.
America's Next Top Model.
American Idol :)