http://www.paradoxthemusical.com/?refId=jimmyBUFFET ALSO CLICK THAT.
"While riding my bike on a trail today, my front tire caught in an unexpected ditch and sent me flying over the handlebars. As I lay there, battered, bruised, and beset by opportunistic mosquitoes, I could not stop laughing. This is what it is to be alive."
607-768-1077 (no calls from outside the US, please?)
I once asked Paul to try some of my grandmother's cookies...his response? "Do I detect a hint of...LOVE in these cookies?"
Dan: Haven't you ever seen goatse.cx?
Me: It's a guy bending over, and you see his asshole, then he's spreading something, then he has a penis.
Dan: And he's not spreading his asshole.
*moment of silence*
*Josh walks up with a burrito*
Josh: Nature's perfect food.
From a local newspaper article about the crackdown on 'malicious' skateboarders:
"[skateboard] Riders have caused damages lately, he said. 'They have been skateboarding up the sides of buildings, jumping on benches and railings, annoying the public, and actually scaring some of the senior citizens and even running into some people and making traffic get out of their way'"This article makes skaters proud of those people in question. It makes me happy to see that someone other than me enjoys jumping on railings and scaring old people.