long story short: born and raised in portland. i couldnt deal with portland any longer so i moved down to eugene and graduated in 2006 with a sociology degree. dont ask me what i'm going to do with it yet because i dont know either. i've worked at my parents' restaurant, plaid pantry, u of o's bank and convenience store, reffed for intramural basketball and ymca, ross, intel, and now im selling phones for sprint.about me - i love basketball. i can, and have, watched basketball for weeks straight. i like watching silly tv shows and crappy movies, and good ones i might add.
i'm a very shy and mysterious person. i will disappear for days from the world, and sometimes i dont even know where i'm at. every once in a while, i will go into hibernation mode and just sleep or masterbate feverishly until i do fall asleep - that's my favorite!
one time, at band camp, i had to go see the doctor because i kept getting burns on my penis. he said it wasnt normal to touch myself down there so much.
i no longer drink alcohol. waking up at 6 in the morning in my car on the driveway is something i never want to do again.
i likes the penis.