Hiking, Poetry, Buddhism, Anthropology, Translating, etc.
Any who cares for the natural world, poetry, buddhism, anthropology.
Myths & Texts (1960), Six Sections from Mountains and Rivers Without End (1965), The Back Country (1967), Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems (1969), Regarding Wave (1969), Earth House Hold (1969), The Old Ways (1977), He Who Hunted Birds in His Father's Village: The Dimensions of a Haida Myth (1979), The Real Work (1980), Axe Handles (1983), Passage Through India (1983), Left Out in the Rain (1988), The Practice of the Wild (1990), No Nature: New and Selected Poems (1992), A Place in Space (1995), Narrator of the audio book version of Kazuaki Tanahashi's Moon in a Dewdrop from Dogen's Shobogenzo, Mountains and Rivers Without End (1996), Gary Snyder Reader: Prose, Poetry, and Translations (1999), Danger on Peaks (2005), Back on the Fire: Essays (2007), The Politics of Ethnopoetics (1975) text on ubuweb: visual - concrete - sound poetry