♥I aM veRy
LoVed, N0t Sp0iLeD .tHeRe iS a diFfErenCe
ImmA SupER WomAN
AIM= Crissy7lokelani
FaceBook= [email protected]
♥HaWaIIan, PueRt0 RiCaN, ChiNesE, ItaLiaN, IrIsH,
PorTuGuEeS, CaNAdiAn-FrEnCh
♥19 aNd abLe t0 MaKe My 0wN dEsiSioNs & Ch0iCes
♥YoU CaN SiNg To Me On Oct 11
♥College is taking forever...
♥gOal is t0 tEaCh the LiL ones gEt in2 NuRsiNg
♥JeSuS is ThE ceNtER 0F my HeaRt :)
"It's gonna be alright!"
"Cause I know my God saved the day
and I know His word never fails
and I know my God made a way for me...."
"Salvation is here" :)
♥ I maY nOt bE pErFEcT iN Ur EyEs buT t0 HiM I aM
“Don’t worry my beautiful, our time will come.â€
“I’m going to leave everything in God's hands. our relationship, my job, our future(s), whatever it may be, it's all up to him. i believe in us. i believe in him. i believe everything you say and tell me. i wouldn't want anything more than to be with you for the rest of my life. we've been through some rough stuff and some great times. and you know what, we made it through all of them pretty fine. at least i think so. i know that i really love you. i think you could ask a lot of people and they would tell you the same thing. everyone knows that I’m engulfed with you.â€love,
Christopher Scott
♥ I u U hUnNiE ♥