HOMER profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

About me... Hmm... Well, I like to eat food. More so than I like eating things that are not food. Yep, that's me. Oh, I also enjoy long walks on the beach . Come to think of it, long periods of time sitting on the beach can also be enjoyable. Sometimes sitting in your car at the beach can be okay too. Driving by the beach is pretty good, although not better than sitting in your car at the beach. Since I live at the beach, most days I never even leave the house. I just look out the window at the beach. Actually, I have to go into the bathroom and tilt my head at an uncomfortable angle to be able to see the beach, but I can still see it (sort of). When I go to work and people ask me what I did that day, I always say, (with feigned enthusiasm) "I went to the beach!" When really I just sat inside watching Regis and Kelly.So lets summarize, shall we?I enjoy spending my free time eating food(as well as things that aren't food). This activity is even more enjoyable if done while watching Regis and Kelly at the same time. Disclaimer: The above statements are intended as humor. The author of said above statements is not in anyway liable for the lack of actual audible laughter on the readers part.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People that know what's really going on in the world right now and want to take action against it.

My Blog

The Doors of Perception and the Language of Spin

Tim O'SheaAldous Huxley's inspired 1956 essay detailed the vivid, mind-expanding, multisensory insights of his mescaline adventures. By altering his brain chemistry with natural psychotropics, Huxley ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 00:10:00 GMT

All the Propaganda That’s Fit to Print: The New York Times, Again, Tells It Like It Aint

http://www.homersbitterpill.com/2008/08/all-propaganda-thats -fit-to-print-new.html
Posted by on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 07:22:00 GMT


Most of Bush's so called ' Stimulus checks' will be spent on credit card payments which will be the next huge financial bubble to burst ~ and it has the potential of bringing down the entire financia...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 07:54:00 GMT