PrEttY BoY MiKe!
aBout MikE by Tiffany... he a reaL kool persoN. easy to taLk to. speakz hiz minD n handLez hiz business. he Likez to do wateva and is dowN fa anythang. he a fuNny persoN n caN aLwaiz put a smiLe on ur face. Mike pLayz footbaLl for dE aNza *donz* and goes duMmiE on da piano. he has a gurLfren dat he Luvz n aLot of frenz..(*im hIz bEstEst*)....daz it. anythang else u wanA kn0w...u can get at him!.....
.........HEy hEY Mike...... sorry honey! I hacked ya MySpace.............
who??? Akosua, silly!!!hmmmmmm......... wat can I sai bout mike....*thinkin* He iz MUH Bestest buddie, not dis heiffa above me. She was supposed 2 be muh best friend, but she has been replaced He cool, fun 2 b wit, n sweet. He iz a gangstER teddy bear..... dats muh Michael. keepin it real. He go 2 a lil skool called DA n he stay in trouble!!! I juss want yall 2 kno dat he krazie..... wuh mo thang: he aint got piano skillz lyk ME!!!! I am da illest n da realest. Mike iz cool.... so u should get 2 kno him.... I'm gon! I see ya!
Look at dis pic I drew of muh bestest buddie!!! Dont I gotz SkILLz??
Dis is yo boy Mike.. i like ta ply da piano sexy...i love my dragon breath, alwayz horney around me,dry humpin,sex lovin,retarded,big 4 head somtime anoyin, booty stankin gurlfiend(Athea) MuH BesTeZ FreN! MuH GuLfreN!