I'm J-Rod
I tend to not take life seriously
I'm extremely open minded about everything... and I'm one of those people with seemingly no boundary as to what I won't talk about in public
I like pancakes... ALOT
I make fun of everything
I'm probably one of the pickiest people you'll ever meet - food. girls. everything
I have a really really vivid imagination
I write
I have a habit of making sudden random topic changes in conversation
I tend to be either pretty stoic or loud.. depending on how many people I know in the room
I like satires and macabre/sarcastic humor
I'm a big fan of art/paintings/chalk and charcoal based stuff/the BLUE bag of Doritos/swimming/black & white photos/and the color green
I LOVE the "black hair/eyeliner/nails" combo... no joke.. if your a girl.. and you do that.. and I don't know you.. I will probably instantly love you from the moment we meet... till you do something horrible.. like.. show up in Juicy jumpsuit
I like to stick out in any given situation
I obsess over film... especially horror/slasher/twisted dramas... but I'll watch anything
I'm a coffee fiend - French Vanilla/Espresso
HALLOWEEN is my favorite holiday
My music tastes are pretty eclectic.. if you steal my iPod you'll realize that pretty quick
I HATE cold weather
Dingosatemypants - My s/n