Like Peter Pan, I never want to grow up. I've been exploring and entertaining my inner child for as long as I can remember. After all you only live once, might as well enjoy yourself since tomorrow you might get hit by a train...
I like to consider myself a multi talented artist, but since I'm a bit lazy I use the photographic medium to express what I see. Primarily landscapes and nature as subject: they don't talk back, but I have done many successful weddings, events and promotional photography. After all, that's what pays right?
I am proud to be a geek! I love to read, watch sci-fi, anime and take part in roleplaying games. My past has been rich with experiences: Rocky Horror, Rennaissance festivals, LARPing, Club Fetish, haunted houses, moshing and stage diving (yes I have the scars), sci-fi and fantasy conventions...
Intead of setting down and getting a "respectable" career, I opted for a rich hedonistic past that others might envy. But never would I sacrifice the good friends and all that we've been through just for a little security.
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