ForestGlenn profile picture


About Me

On a cold day in Queens, consummate artist and pioneer producer Forest Glenn first made contact with the world. A deep abiding love for music and a passion for composition, Forest Glenn has crafted and mastered a vast and versatile array of sound, each piece different and more complex than the last, infused with influences of his past. A Jamaican guitar-playing father, a hip hop head brother, a classically-trained pianist mother, and an old soul with taste for the 70s and other decades before his time, Virgina Beach, DC and the list grows. Averse to the formulaic and prepackaged, Forest Glenn strives to add color, depth, and imagination to the mainstream. To work with other "real" artists striving to achieve the same things. To make contact with the world and raise the level of consciousness one ear at a time.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/01/2008
Influences: Al DiMeola,Goldfrapp,Pink Floyd,The Roots,Isaac Hayes, The Delphonics,Jimi Hendrix,Bob Marley
Sounds Like: Cinema
Record Label: ForestGlennProductions
Type of Label: Indie

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