New York City,Drawing,Movies,Minnesota Vikings,Animals,The Snow and Phenomena(The Battle of Ramree Island Jan&Feb 1945,Philippe Petit,Michael Angelo Batio,Rutledge,Gomek,Gustave,Bob Moog,Keith Emerson,Rick Wakeman,etc...).
Veronica Lake Films(I Married A Witch,The Glass Key,This Gun For Hire).I love cheap 80's movies by David A. Prior(They are so horrible but entertaining).I like anything that makes you think or totally freaks you out.Movies like Vanilla Sky,In The Mouth Of Madness and The Sixth Sense freaked me out.
When the Vikings are playing,The Shield,World Cup,Eastenders,Heroes.
Anne Rice's Vampire novels,Wicked,Michael Moorcock(Elric and Corum).Vintage comic books(pre-1990's:The Flash(Barry Allen)X-Men Books(pre-1995) and Vigilante(1980's).
Korey Stringer,John Bonham,Janis Joplin,Barry Allen,Steve Clark,Rick Allen,Eric Carr,John Lennon,George Harrison,Steve Irwin,anyone willing to give all for their art/love/expression.