DISCLAIMER: If you do not agree with the use of Marijuana or the content of this page,or, are in anyway shape or form, one of those losers, with so much time on their hands, that they comb myspace looking for stuff to bitch about... please do us all a favor, and leave... like, IMMEDIATELY. ...Seriously, Why are you still here?... We're not moving on until you leave... ...We're waiting... ...Okay, Bye bye then.So, the name is just Hef. No more and no less. A good friend of mine, Hugh, and I have just started up this page for potheads around the world to come together and conversate about events, topics, and things that interest us. So, please, get involved. Subscribe to our Blogs, drop us a line and tell us what you want to talk about, or what your favorite movie, or pothead recipe is... or just whatever random thought happens to float through your mind that you are actually able to grab ahold of, please, POST IT!"It's not peer pressure, It's just your turn!"
Background from Yahoo search result