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Well, I have never wrote an actual about me, so I am just going to start. I am Mitch, or to Loran, and my brother Mitcho, or as Mendolas phone book says...Mitch the Bitch Hahaha. Pretty much all of my friends are older than me, or at least my best friends. I am a sophomore. I am obsessed with Radiohead and think they are some of the most creative and artistic people to ever touch the earth. Thom Yorke is one of the very few people I actually look up to. I love my friends and don't know what I would do without them. I love Bob Marley, but I don't smoke pot, lol. I love to skate, but I suck.....even though Jeron Wilson gives me free boards. My favorite skaters are in order Rodney Mullen, Danny Way, Jeron Wilson, and Mike Mo. I love to make people laugh and I love to be that friend that my people always know that they can come and talk to. Hit me up.