Community Voices Heard (CVH) is an organization of low-income people, predominantly women with experience on welfare, working to build power in New York City and State to improve the lives of our families and communities. We are working to accomplish this through a multi-pronged strategy, including public education, grassroots organizing, leadership development, training low-income people about their rights, political education, civic engagement and direct-action issue campaigns. We are currently working on welfare reform, job creation, public housing and other economic justice issues that affect low-income people, particularly low-income women of color.
While we focus on welfare reform, we broadly define welfare activism to be multi-issue, and thus must include issues such as education, training, jobs, housing, economic development and other community issues. We fill a crucial gap in that our organization connects public policy with grassroots organizing and leadership development.
Check out the CVH website at . You can see what work we are doing, volunteer your time, give a donation, and see what the press has been saying about the organization.
Contact Info
Community Voices Heard115 East 106th Street Suite 1E
New York, NY 10029
Phone: (212) 860-6001
Fax: (212) 996-9481