Written and Directed by Jennifer Phang
Produced by Reuben Lim, Alan T. Chan, and Robert Zimmer Jr.
Executive Producers: Dylan Shields, Mark E. Lee
Fade to Blue Prods. in association with Mark E. Lee Prods. and Lane Street Pictures
A precocious boy and his jaded sister use their imaginative powers to escape a confining home-life, save their self-destructive mother from her charmingly manipulative boyfriend, and finally reinvent their world in a mind bending conclusion.
Half-Life Movie Official Website
"An imaginative and deeply affecting effort...'Half-Life' marks the debut of a promising, truly independent film artist."
"It's films like this that remind us why Sundance was launched and why it continues to have value."
"Phang has scored a triumph."
"Bottom Line: This specialty item has all the makings of a cult favorite." -Stephen Farber, Hollywood Reporter
"An "Asian-American Beauty" set against a backdrop of global decay and illuminated by splashes of "Waking Life" -style animation...evinces the sort of imagination that is necessary for human survival in the world as we know it." - Variety
"...refreshingly entertaining and original...beautifully audacious, taking hold of all its risks and letting them run free to flourishing ends." - Indiewire
"'Half-Life' exists on a whole other, higher level of cinematic ambition than any other film at Sundance this year...It is inventive, deeply personal and emotionally compelling." - Mike Ryan, Hammertonail.com