(1)BuLLsHiTiN ARoUnD Wit My FrIeNdS N OTHer FuCkiN STuFF ThaT U duN WaNNa KnOw... (2)HoT BaBes.. (3)GuNs..A LoT Of GuN.. (4)PoRn MoVieS (5)MusIc..A LoT Of MuSiC... (5)SLeePiNg..A LoT Of FucKiN SLeeP..(i'm sLeePiN Too MucH!!) (6)SpeeD...SPeeD???wHaT KiNd Of SpeeD?? (7)NoiSe!! (8)VidEO GaMes (9)VaNDaLiSm (10)waNDeriNg ARouNd iN K.L LiKe a STupId PsyCo.. (11)WeiRd ThIng..eXaMPLe YoUr HeAd..WhY YoUr HeAd SeeM Like A VaGiNa?? (12)HuRtiNg PeOPLe N AniMaL (13)BLooD... (14)LePak At Mamak sTaLL N DrinK A Cup Of TeH TaRik N dun PaY it..huhuhu ThaT's FuCkEd..haha..(15)SHiTinG aT PeOPle Face.. (16)HoRNy GuRL..YEa BaBy..huhu..(17)CuTe STuFF..A LoT Of CuTe STuFF..(ex:CuTe BabE..) (18)FooD..ALL KiNd Of FooD!! (19)TeASiNg PeOPle..A LoT Of PeoPLe.. (20)FUcK YoU!!
I've growing-up as a good listener to the MUSIC. I really luv the music... Since in the young stage of age, while i'm still in the primary school.. i've been grown in the 'ROCK KAPAK' music scene in the era of 80's.. and then i've started listening to the Underground music still in the young stage of age... i luv U/G scenery honestly... From Grunge to Brit Rock and Indie Pop to Punk Rock and Ska, From Hardcore, Mathcore, Emo, Grindcore, Gore, Doom, Ambient, Gothic, Death to Black Metal, From Electronica to Techie Maniac, Drum & Bass, Jazz and Blues but sometimes i need to listen to R&B, Dance, Rap & Hip-Hop and bla.. bla.. bla... Oh man, i really luv new things or we call it EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC... MUSIC IS SO UNIVERSAL MAN! LET'S THINK POSITIVE MY FRIEND... I'm really OPEN-MINDED towards music... BE YOURSELF! Don't care how people say... ;P~ In the past, i was running in the ROCK/METAL scene. First band that took me there was IRON MAIDEN somewhere in the 89/90 era.. with the SOMEWHERE IN TIME & POWERSLAVE album!
3-d cartoon any movies that got a very very cool special effects any super heroes horror comedy adventure true story and so many more
Pornographic documentary, live, anything about it... hahahah... LOL :P~ Gangsterism, thugs, mafia or yakuza... :P~ Very extreme program, vandalism, total destructor... hehehe... ALL THESE CONTRA!
So many i like to read any kind of book when i become very very bored arghhhh nothing to do so i find any book ANYTHING