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About Me

METALMANIA is music show that is in it’s 11-th year of broadcasting in the Macedonian air... The show engulfs everything connected to Rock music, starting from Hard Rock to the most brutal death-metal bands... The aim of the show itself is promotion of the Macedonian underground scene and I can happily say that it is succeeding in it’s goal. The fact alone that many Macedonian Rock and Metal bands have played in the show and many of their video clips have been aired for the first time in METALMANIA, is a case in point. Also a big part of the show is dedicated to the festivals that are held in our country, where interviews have been made with many world famous bands that played in Macedonia like, Apocalyptica, WhiteSnake, Deep Purple, Kreator, and many others... Also worth mentioning is the fact that one part of the show is dedicated to the world Metal scene.Best regards, Agim DjeloMETALMANIA e muzicka emisija koja se emituva veke 11 godini na makedonskiot eter... emisijata opfaka se od rock muzikata, pocnuvajki od hard rock, do najbrutalnite death metal grupi... inaku celta na samata emisija e promoviranje na makedonskata underground scena, i mozam da kazam deka samat emisija uspeva vo svojata zamisla, dovolen e faktot sto niz samata emisija, dosega pominale golem broj na makedonski rock i metal grupii mnogu video spotovi za prv pat se promovirani tokmu vo METALMANIA a golem prostor e oddelen i za rock festivalite koi se odrzuvaat vo nasata drzava i na koj se snimeni intervjua so mnogu svetski grupi koi gostuvale vo nasat drzava, kako apocalyptica, whitesnake, deep purple, kreator,i mnogu drugi... inaku mora da se napomene deka vo emisijata golem prostor se otstapuva i na svetskata metal scena.

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