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I am here for Friends

About Me

"You are the girl with the bleeding heart for animals, and a sense of humor that is hard to find!" - RONIMAL- ***********************************************************
Your Animal is the Crane
Deep down, you are a very secretive person. You keep a lot to yourself.
You may seem friendly and outgoing, but it's not the full picture. You prefer your own quiet company.

You are a smart and talented person. You have an amazing set of skills.
You are also quite reflective and thoughtful. You have a unique spirituality that is always growing. What's Your Celtic Animal?

My Backgrounds
The Excellerator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Well that's a Duh! question right there haha. I would soo like, no wait, make that LOVE to meet Jensen(Dean)Ackles, Jared(Sam)Padalecki, Jim(Bobby)Beaver, Misha(Castiel)Collins, and Chad(Ash)Lindberg. If you can't tell they are all from my fave show Supernatural ;) Which Supernatural Angel Are You?

More on Supernatural . Created by BuddyTV

Stupornatural from Michael DeSanto on Vimeo .

My Blog

I made the top 10 YAY!!!!!

Ok, so most of you all know I have the Addicted To Supernatural application and there was a contest that I didn't even enter but just thought it would be fun to add to. Watch the video and you will se...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 04:00:00 GMT