I think it would be against the myspace policy to list those...
I meet people from all walks of life whether I want to or not, from the alcoholic to the homeless...to the homeless alocholic, so I really have no choice in this matter.
All of it. Music is the last remaining magic in this world.
If it involves dwarfs, shit blowing up and has the occasional boob...preferably a Dwarf blowing up the occasional boob...then I'm there!
Adult Swim, The L word (min we have so much cathing up!)Weeds....I just realized I only watch cartoons and shows about lesbians...and drugs...
The Lord of the Rings, The Dark Tower series, The Hammer and the Cross trilogy, the Troll Slayer series, Tao te Ching.
ME! Igor Cavalera, Andreas Kisser, Chuck Shuldiner, Scott Clendenon, Steve Digorgio, Gene Hoglund, Devin Townsend, Christopher Maelstrom, Jimi Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell, Kurt Cobain, Mats Sundin.