I know what is best for everyone!
.. width="425" height="350" .. Lil Flip freestyling on Purple Drank. He's been remixing Sprite before Sprite Remix...as a matter of fact, Sprite owes him some money!
I watch gangsta flicks and root for the bad guy
and turn it off before it ends because the bad guy dies
"The Art of Wordly Wisdom"
--by Baltasar Gracian,
"The 48 Laws of Power"
--by Robert Greene,
"The Art of Seduction"
--by Robert Greene,
--by Marcus Aurelius,
"The Inferno"
--by Dante Alghieri,
--by Voltaire,
"The Art of War"
--by Sun-Tzu,
"How to Win Friends and Influence People"
--by Dale Carnegie,
"The Art of Public Speaking"
--by Dale Carnegie,
--by Thomas Hobbes,
"The Prince"
--by Niccolo Machiavelli,
"Maxims and Reflections (Ricordi)
--by Fracesco Gucciardini,
"The Art of Living"
--by Epictetus,
"The Complete Essays"
--by Michel de Montaigne,
"Khrusnchev's Shoe and other ways to captivate an audience of 1 to 1000"
--by Roy Underhill,
"Influence: Science and Practice"
--by Robert Cialdini,
--by Francois Duc de La Rouchefoucald,
"The Art of Money Getting"
--by P.T. Barnum,
"Letters to His Son On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman"
--by Lord Chesterfield,
"The Essays"
--by Francis Bacon,
"The Seducer's Diary"
--by Soren Kierkegaard,
"Essays and Aphorisms"
--by Arthur Schopenhauer,
"The Mastery of Love"
--by Don Miguel Ruiz,
"Tao Te Ching"
--by Lao Tzu,
"The Big Book of British Smiles"