Jesus and Politics and I love acting.
Dave - I'd ask him a lot of questions about his lyrics and beliefs. Jim Wallis, Shane Claiborne.
Dave Matthews Band, Steve Miller Band, Rusted Root, Beck, Cake, the Fireflies, etc.
Drama: Fight Club, Memento and The Matrix; Comedy: Clue and Beetlejuice
Heros, Will and Grace, The Simpsons, Futurama, and Just Shoot Me (that last one is 'cause David Spade rocks my world :) I would also like to add Law and Order. I never think of it as a fave of mine but whenever I come across it on t.v. I can't stop watching - it's like crack. Oh, and I would also like to add that the majority of reality television is causing extreme moral decay within our society.
New Fave book ever - THE IRRESISTIBLE REVOLUTION by Shane Claiborne. There are no real words to describe it because the meanings of the words that one might use to describe it have been distorted by society and no longer conjure up thoughts true to the definitions of the words. So, you just need to READ IT! There's also GOD'S POLITICS by Jim Wallis :The number one book that combines my two favorite interests quite beautifully. And there's BLUE LIKE JAZZ and SEARCHING FOR GOD KNOWS WHAT, both by Donald Miller. These books journal the thoughts of a Christian wrestling with his faith and the hypocrisy of the church. Oh my goodness - there are soo many other books I'd love add, but i'm going to stop here.
Jesus. And my Fave Animal - Dolphins. I would have a pet dolphin if a could. He would be more than a pet - we would be friends. And I wouldn't name him Flipper, because he would introduce himself with a series of clicks and squeaks. And when we went swimming together in the ocean he would protect me from sharks. He'd also give me swimming lessons.