♥ miiss_pun ♥ R.I.P DaN profile picture

♥ miiss_pun ♥ R.I.P DaN

You are only as strong as the Drinks you mix, the tables you Dance on and the Friends you Party with

About Me

Im lovable....harrharrharr... No..ReallLy!! when i wanna bei am : outgoing and intelligent.i can be: funny and seriousSometimes i am: stupid and childishMost of the time i am : hard headed and stubborn~ CANCER BABIESS~ ((The Smart One))Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind. Loves being In long-term relationships. Extremely energetic. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out. ~Fun to be with. ~Secretive. ~Difficult to fathom and to be understood. ~Quiet unless excited or tensed. ~Takes pride in oneself. ~Has reputation. ~Easily consoled. ~Honest. ~Concerned about people's feelings. ~Tactful. ~Friendly. ~Approachable. ~Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.. ~Moody and easily hurt. ~Witty and sparkly. ~Spazzy at times. ~Not revengeful. ~Forgiving but never forgets. ~Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. ~Guides others physically and mentally. ~Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. ~Caring and loving. ~Treats others equally. ~Strong sense of sympathy. ~Wary and sharp. ~Judges people through observations. ~Hardworking. ~No difficulties in studying. ~Loves to be alone. ~Always broods about the past and the old friends. ~Waits for friends. ~Never looks for friends. ~Not aggressive unless provoked. ~Loves to be loved. ~Easily hurt but takes long to recover.
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My Interests

im just me.. weLL, i get annoyed and frustrated real fast...SERIOUSLY..don't ever get on my bad side..cuz that means..its the end of your worLd ..harrhaarr...j/K

I'd like to meet:

Fun Loving peopLes and OH! No dRaMa please.....START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Ahh, You'll love this one! (100 ?'s)
::Full Name::: punsawalee luxanato
::Nicknames::: Hun..Pun..babE
::Age::: 24.. my gosh!
::Gender::: what do u thiink
::Where You Live::: SW
::Sexual Orientation::: straight
::Single/Happy with it::: Not singLe
::Siblings::: only mee
::Pets::: a toy poodLe and a turtle
::Screen name::: aomiee_teeruk
::Hair Color::: reddish brown
::Hair length::: half way my back
::Eye Color::: brown
::Height::: 5'2
::Piercings::: 6
::Tattoos::: 3
::Shoe Size::: 5 1/2 - 6
::Jeans Size::: 6
::Make-Up::: Mac and chaneL
::Dye Your Hair::: yesss
::Food::: asian food
::Drink::: iced caramel mocchiato
::Color::: piink
::Store::: saks fifth ( at the moment )
::Movie::: the wedding date, pretty woman
::Kind Of Alcohol::: crown/ patron
::Ice Cream Flavor::: cookie dough
::Book::: USweekly magazine
::Season::: winter
::Video Game::: super mario
::Smoked a cigarette::: yess
::Done Any Drugs::: once
::Gotton Drunk::: yupz
::Gone Skinny Dipping::: nope
::Bonged A Beer::: once
::Had Sex::: hmmmm...
::Kissed Same Sex::: yupz
::Done Anything Sexual With Same Sex::: nope
::Eaten Sushi::: loves it
::Broken A Bone::: nopez
::Like Your Handwriting::: yupz
::Have Any Bad Habbits::: Lotz
::Hate Yourself::: nO
::Shy::: i can be, although they say im not!!
::Tolerant Of Others::: sometimes
::Aggressive Or Passive::: a lot of times
::Have A Journal::: i try to keep one
::Emotionally Strong::: i am
::Read The News Paper::: only if i find one around
::Confident::: YESS
::Is There A God::: yea
::Does He Have A Gender::: yea
::Do Ghosts Exists::: i think so
::What About Witches::: um..?? not sure
::Miracles::: of course
::What Do You Think About Abortion::: morally wrong
::Premarital Sex::: yes
::Life On Other Planets::: maybe?
::Porn::: i feel weird to sit there N watch
::Cosmetic Surgery::: if u need it, then get it
Label: CAN YOU
::Sing Well::: i can, when im drunk
::Play An Instrument::: uhHH
::Write Well::: yea
::Skateboard::: nope
::Take A Shot Without A Chaser::: yupz
::Say the Alphabet Backwards::: yea, but it'll take me awhiLe
::Snow Board::: never yet..
::Juggle::: ive tried, but no
::Do A Split::: maybe when i was a little
::Draw::: a star ..
::Plan On Marriage::: aww..yes
:: Kids::: 3
::And Their Names::: boy: Justin, Tyler Alan girl:Taylor May, Frances Anne
::Occupation::: a nurse
::Where You Want To Live::: thailand
::Big Or Small House::: as long as we have a happy family
::Do You Want To Live Near People::: i dont mind..
::Long Driveway Or Short::: long
::Income::: HIGH...
::Cars::: hm.. X5
::Wal-mart/Target::: target
::Chocolate/Vanilla::: vanilla
::Night/Day::: night
::McDonalds/Burger King::: BK
::Cats/Dogs::: dogs
::Fruits/Veggies::: veggies
::Pillows/Blankets::: blankets
::Pepsi/Coke::: coke
::Alcohol/Weed::: alcohol
::Reading/Writing::: reading
::Biggest Fear::: losing another loved one
::Compliment You Get Often::: you're pretty & gimme some of ur bOobies..harrharr
::What Would You Change About Yourself::: nothing..well, maybe my temper & to be more patient
::Regrets::: on certain things
::Gotten Arrested::: nope
::Are You Ticklish::: not on my waist
::Longest Relationship::: 3 years
::Regrets::: nope, i was still young
::How Much TV Do You Watch::: some, but not a lot
::What color Is Your Room::: white
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R & B at tha moment


pRetty woman & the wedding date ;)


MTV :) & NationaL Geographic channeL


does "US WEEKLY and IN TOUCH " count ??!!


My daddy...i Miss yOo..
WANNA KNOW MORE.. <[ LOVES >]Cousins, PearL,the boyfRiend :) girLfriends white roses & sunflowers shoot pOol.. buying new make-up cuddLiNg;) water sports little kids piink sushii..yMm<[ LIKES >]getting manicures N pedicures sitting in my bathrobe after shower for hours :D wHy? ii dont know tennis tanning throwing parties happy hour = crown, patrons, grey goose, red wine getting drunk = singing kareoke eating out with my girls collecting cute cups N glasses buying those fake flowers 2 decorate my apt. :) baby's smell<[ my many ADDICTIONS>]jeans sunglasses my cel. purses shoes steamed soy clothes perfumes upside down iced caramel mocchiato stripes & polka dots black & white thai soaps

My Blog


 im not daddy's girl anymore  Just one question..How could he??...
Posted by Miiss_PUN R.I.P Dan on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:31:00 PST