i LOVE old movies and classics. i sing ALL the time until people tell me to shut up. i like most kinds of music. i go shopping all the time. i also like playing pool, skiing and surfing cause its fun! i am also in nursing school so that takes up a big part of my life right now. i cant wait to be a nurse!:)
people =)
just about everything
black and white movies, classics, comedy, drama
csi, law and order, bones, and stuff like that. i LOVE reba(i think i am in love with van lol), i like vh1 and mtv...oh yeah tv land and lifetime is whats up.
i hate reading but i love jane austen. she is my favorite writer but i watch the movies they make out of her books instead of reading them...unless im feeling nerdy;)
God, my dad, and my grandma, also my mom; she was amazing (8/27/63-8/17/93)