I have a lot to say about everything. I enjoy discussing just about everything. I enjoy singing everything and anything. I have recorded songs written by some of the most talented people in the world. Fighting boring nights on the farm where I grew up, my dad and I would sit up and play guitars and sing for hours. When going to grandmas house in Naugatuck, West Virgina, our entire family would get together, play every instrument known to man and sing gospel till the wee hours of the morning. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. I grew up on a farm that belonged to my older sister. I enjoy riding dirt bikes and have owned a few. I prefer trucks over sporty little cars anyday. Unless of course that sporty little car fast and old. Singing is just about all I do all the time. I have several talented friends and family. I have 2 precious children that make everyday life quite and adverture. I like mud or dirt and roughing it in the wild. Eventually I like to return home and flip on the lights switch, it keeps you in line and helps you appreciate all that God has blessed you with. I have a huge and hilarious family. We are all loud, rowdy and most importantly harmless.I started singing as soon as I was able to talk. Daddy put me up on the kitchen table, played guitar and taught me a million songs. I was the oooopps baby of the family. Daddy was in his mid 50's when I was born. So he put alot of time into teaching me to play guitar, sing, play piano, but I was on my own when I picked up the sax. At age seven I started singing on a local stage in Wheeling WV, the Capital Music Hall. I sang everywhere that they would let a little kid in. I could never get enough. Writing came later, at about age 13. What a great way to express your soul. I am still writing and singing.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
I would like to meet God and have him answer several questions.
My Blog
New Songs and interesting blog ingo
Check out the blog entry on the GNJ Management Page. Cy Allen's latest stuff and mine too!!! Posted by on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 19:02:00 GMT