hi I'm Durrie Lodge,Drumming to me is a great meditation of freedom.
I have been into the voice of the drums since I was a kid, growing up with a split family, I would go visit my dad in Toronto , and get to see his band The Corndogs play, and watched my dad rumble the drums.
It took time to get to where I'm at with the drums, but I never really noticed the time, because I enjoyed every minute of it. I play in 2 main bands for the time being, The Walter Band and SHED. Gig's of original music are my favorite to do as a drummer. I find then I can put my own feel on the track, with riffs and beats.
I have done cover gigs too and learned a lot.
To me playing the drums is just exciting, the whole rush of the kick and snare notes...the crisp sound of a great cymbal crash,,, the rhythm notes flowing out of a hi-hat
It got me hahahahI have been teaching music lessons for 6 years. I taught at two places in Simcoe Ont.(The Studios and Erie Music) and one place in Port Dover(Fred Eaglesmith's store the HOBO store) . A year and a half ago I got my own location for music lessons in Simcoe Ont. It was taking a chance, branching off from the local music schools and stores. But as a musician ya have to learn to take chances in life.I moved out to Norlfolk county 7 years ago, from London Ontario. My main reason why I moved here was to explore my own voice with the drums. My father Brodie Lodge had a old cabin which we nicked named the SHED.. I wood shed it in that cabin for 5 years playing none stop, (which my parents put up with) During the day I'd work Carpentry with my father, and at night I'd get lost in the zone of the drum.I never planed on being a drum teacher, it just fell into my hands threw playing drums.I was in a local cover band called the Atkinson band. Paul Atkinson recommended me to the Studio's music education center as a wild drummer.To this day I still thank Paul for linking me to lessons.I have an average of 30 students a week, and am very thankful for all the positive fed back I hear from students and parents.Over the past year I have been teaching drum workshops. This is a bran new adventure for me. Ive taught at Walsh Public School, NYCA, and recently Still Point in California
A Zen Meditation Center. If anybody would be interested in one of my workshops call (519) 427-6124All I'm doing in my life is doing what I love.And by doing what I love it's taking me places I'd never imagined.There's a lot of amazing local talent in this area. I love teaching people who want to learn, and so far I've met nothing but great people around here threw the lessons.To me anybody can be a drummer as long as they really want to explore it.I'm dedicating this site to my students, or anybody I have ever given a lesson to. Call (519) 427-6124 if interested in learning the voice of the drumsI'm going to be posting my own video's as well as video's of students of mine drumming either with me or by them self's.
Check out this video: Durrie Lodge playing a drum solo Live in TorontoCheck out this video: BEN Rockin Kid from SimcoeCheck out this video: Durrie Lodge playing a SHED tune