About Me
♥ The Short & Sweet Version: ♥
• Writer • I LOVE to eat • Former Collegiate Powerlifter • Member of the 2004 & 2005 USAPL National Champion NSU Powerlifting Team • Adrenaline Junkie • Shoe Fiend • Bookworm • Part Wild Child Part Conservative • I am a girl that is all about the little things, but I can forego them to see the big picture as well •
I graduated with a B.A. in Mass Communication and a minor in Marketing as well as a B.S. in Culinary Arts. As an internship I assisted in teaching Etiquette and "Front of the House" techniques to high school students for the LA Gear Up Program as well as our Summer "Camp Culinary" for the younger children. Another internship allowed me to observe, interview and cook right alongside four and five star executive chefs from around the world during each two week session program. This experience exposed me to a wide variety of regional and cultural cooking styles from as far away as South Korea to as close as U.S. southern regional cuisine through assisting the staff at the Chef John Folse Culinary Institute. Some regional chefs that I have been able to work with were from: Spain, Costa Rica, Mexico, El Salvador, Morocco, Italy, England, Canada, France, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Hungary, Sweden, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, India, Dubai (UAE), Sri Lanka, Trinidad & Tobago, Nassau (Bahamas), St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Maarten and Barbados. Currently I am in graduate school making my way through an MBA program with a Hotel Restaurant Tourism concentration. I do not know everything that there is to know about anything, but then again who does. I have a passion for learning and research which fuels me to find out the how and why of things. If that is not enough I was born, raised and currently live in the greates city for FOOD and CULTURE! New Orleans, Louisiana!