In no particular order: Pennywise, Pantera, Slayer, Anthrax, Deftones, Chevelle, At the Drive In, Primus, Joe Satriani, Radiohead, Green Day, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Jack Johnson, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Fear Factory, Fugazi, Social Distortion, Dropkick Murphys, Dean Martin, Billie Holliday, Danny Elfman, James Horner, John Williams, Erik Satie, Mediaeval Baebes, Samuel Barber, Richard Cheese with Lounge Against the Machine. And what? No Barry Manilow?
Lord of the Rings, The Crow, The Professional, The Incredibles, Braveheart, Big Fish, Falling Down, A Life Less Ordinary, Saving Private Ryan, Baron Munchausen, Constantine, Star Trek, Tombstone, Clerks, Twelve Monkeys, The Fisher King, Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Jaws, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Seen any good ones lately?
I still go through all the LOTR books once every two or three years. All the Douglas Adams books, Bonus points if you've ever read Dirk Gently. I actually do like the Harry Potter stuff. And Comics. Hey! They're a legitimate form of literature! As far as Graphic Novels go: U.S., Kingdom Come, the ENTIRE run of Strangers in Paradise. Any of the Dawn Books and of course The Dark Knight Returns. NOT that vindictive P.O.S. Dark Knight Strikes Again. Ugh. One Million for that?!? Miller, you clever bastard.
Hahaha! Don't get me started...