..Her3 is a qu1ck run d0wn of th1s loka f0r y0ur dev10us miNd.. You dont know me So why Judge me right? b0rn and ra1sed m3xicaNa or1g1nally from ch1huaHua, MexiCo... one of my favorite passtimes is kickin back wit my baby i just like t0 kick it most of the time just be at home w3aring sw3ats watch'n cartoon's iiiim 16 sometiM3z miztakIn for old3r s Dooo tO my Ap3reEnc3 i haVv3 a WONdeRful Babbi GIrL By DaA nAme JimEnA bIanNey GaRciA MelEro boRn FeB 14 AtT 10:35 AmM I HaVve a LOvELy CaRInG HuSbanD LeWiZ ALaN GarCIa i wEaR thE RinG HApPLy I have DraMa and MemOries I'll kEep ARguEing evEn if I kNoW i'm wRong juzT FoR tH3 fAkt DAtT i AinT GonNa LosE a BatTl3 I mAyY b3 a BItCh AtTt Tim3z BuT wAt maKk3z m3 hApPy iZ hOw i se3 iT Nd nD HoW i S3e iT izZ mY waY or NOo WaYy anYwaYZ 4 noW daTZ aLl u'll knoW boUt m3 porque .. thats simply me.