IA Boeys Street Team in Iowa. AKA D profile picture

IA Boeys Street Team in Iowa. AKA D

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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About Boey's Street Team Iowa Page..Boeys street team is going to be dedicated to finishing what Boey started. Getting the Conquer Childhood Cancer bill passed thru the senate on the presidents desk with his signature on it. To also help bring awareness of this horrible disease to everyone out there, passing other extrememly important information on, Getting "BOEYS BEARS" launched, and getting her Boutique clothing line launced, Doing things in our own states in honor of Boey, like passing out teddys and homeade cards to children in our hospitals that are fighting this disease, bring a smile to their face, and telling them how Boey "kicked cancers butt". Giving them hope. I could go on and on and on and on, but this is only the begining. Boey started the ground work on so many things, that it is now our turn to finish them. And we will not be finished until we have found a cure for this terrible disease. As for me ... Well let's see I have two other myspace's that are about child abuse prevention and sexual abuse that one is dedicated to my daughter. The other one that I have going is for Autism,adhd, ocd, and odd. I am an advocate for autism. This myspace however is all about spreading the word about little Jenessa Byers other wise known as Boey the warrior. She started something that the rest of the world needs to finish. I was told that they needed one person from every state to represent her dreams and plans before her passing. I accepted for the state of IOWA. I feel that I can keep her dreams going and all that she stood for. From handing out bears to other cancer warriors to fighting for her bill. Please join me in this fight to find a cure for cancer and keep Boey's dreams alive. Let's not wonder what we didn't do and rather what we did!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet other parents that have child with disablities. Parents of children with special needs such as cancer warriors, SBS, or anyone. We all need to stick together and keep fighting for a cure. Keep Boey's spirit alive and keep doing what she wanted each and everyone of us to do.... Help others that battle with cancer and help them to continue to smile. We just want Boey's spirit and her family to know that we will do what we can to keep her memory and dreams alive..

My Blog

Been a long month.. Sorry I haven’t been around still.

Hi everyone, sorry I still haven't been able to send comments nad repost bulletins. Although I have found some time to repost what I can along with sending a few comments here and there not like I rea...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:35:00 GMT

I have been absent... reason being

Hello friends, supporters, andeveryone else.. I thought I would write you all this way instead of bulletinmainly because many fail to read them and I feel bad that I have been absent. So to all of you...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:27:00 GMT

I have been absent... reason being

Hello friends, supporters, andeveryone else.. I thought I would write you all this way instead of bulletinmainly because many fail to read them and I feel bad that I have been absent. So to all of you...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:27:00 GMT

From State Of Iowa Senator Harkins office..re.. back from my sent letter.

Thank you for contacting me. I hope you will pardon my delay in responding to you. I appreciate having the benefit of your views and concerns regarding S. 911, the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act. Yo...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:29:00 GMT

From State Of Iowa Senator Harkins office..re.. back from my sent letter.

Thank you for contacting me. I hope you will pardon my delay in responding to you. I appreciate having the benefit of your views and concerns regarding S. 911, the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act. Yo...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:29:00 GMT

Another Attempt to get Boey’s story out in Iowa

It sadden's me to sit here and say that I haven't heard back from the Channel 9 News. Although I am very thrilled that after Blogging about calling them others seemed to reach out to their local news ...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 15:33:00 GMT

Called the Local News today..

Good Afternoon all... Well after pondering this constant thought of what to do next to try to help get this pill past. I decided to call the local new station here in Iowa. Needless to say I am not su...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:22:00 GMT

Have you contacted your senator? LOOK????

List of Senators still not on board...CCCA S.911******************************************************* *****----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Laura "Lamcakes" - Im a PROUD BLW ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:08:00 GMT

Help the Beyers Family keep the home.. Boey’s home!

PLEASE HELP SAVE THE HOUSE BUILT FOR BOEY AND TO HONOR HER AMAZING SPIRIT      We are writing to you about a very special little girl and her family, who desperately need our ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:05:00 GMT

Have you contacted this people? Plz Write them all!!

To Whom It May Concern:  We are writing to you about a very special little girl by the name of Jenessa "Boey" Byers and the bill that is in the senate right now as we speak, just sitting there, c...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:04:00 GMT