It’s a dog off! |
Never have I seen a tie-breaker but that's just what happened yesterday at Nathan's hot dog eating contest! The top two, Kobayashi and Chestnut, were tied 59 hot dogs each and Joey defends the mustar... Posted by Rob Dawg on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 12:07:00 PST |
Week 01: ?WTF?||!FTW! |
What the heck? I haven't done training weeks since last spring! Did I just sign myself up all nilly willy for gits and shiggles? A few have asked what my status is so I begrudgingly report that I've... Posted by Rob Dawg on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 03:43:00 PST |
Survivor skills |
Just watched the movie "The Strangers" yesterday and if you're like me then you laugh and point out everything the victims did wrong. Of course horror movies have to make it so the prey is stupid and... Posted by Rob Dawg on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:00:00 PST |
Fuel economy |
Looks iike we're getting too that point...6 Ways you're wasting your gasHypermilers.comIATA... Posted by Rob Dawg on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:47:00 PST |
100x100 |
The penultimate X by X In-n-out burger so far (X being the variable).Here is the video:
and here is the blog:
0.htmlFor more gigantic foo... Posted by Rob Dawg on Sun, 25 May 2008 03:21:00 PST |
Crack is whack |
...and other Youtube craziness. It's become common place to ask, "Have you seen this video or that video, yarda, yarda" and you're pretty much up to date on what's the latest mass attention grab... Posted by Rob Dawg on Tue, 13 May 2008 05:02:00 PST |
standard anti-productivity software |
Now here's a question for you guys.Who here beats the Windows Solitaire game so they can watch the cards bounce everywhere and watches hoping the entire background to be covered in cards.Me.... Posted by Rob Dawg on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 11:55:00 PST |
Too easy |
Ha ha, I was reading this blog about how to activate Call Block or Call Screen and someone actually commented this:"HI.I have been receiving many, many private calls on my phone. The calls come in and... Posted by Rob Dawg on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 08:13:00 PST |
Spaghetti Sangwich |
In my continuing quest to eat things new I tried out a spaghetti sandwich at Devine Pastabilities. I highly recommend San Diegans to check it Posted by Rob Dawg on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:20:00 PST |
You did a rod! |
Yes, Youtube famous for like 2.2 seconds. This is my second grocery cart pub crawl with 29% more danger dodging traffic, overturned carts, and the po-po's. Kudos to my team for excellent costumes an... Posted by Rob Dawg on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 10:00:00 PST |