Trybecca profile picture


Who knew?

About Me

If you've taken the time to be here, take the time to say hello! Thank You for coming and changing, altering, helping, re-directing, challenging and affecting my life. Wishing all and everyone a Magical New Year, may your lessons never be forgotten and your mistakes never repeated! I read my profile very carefully sometimes and have a really good laugh. Along with yours and your friends and their friends and so on. Professional weirdo who thinks everyone should smile frequently and laugh often...Its all in destiny's hands…and...Find potential in everything and everyone...including everything and everyone you do!The Early Years

My Interests

I'm pretty much equaled parts!
How to make a becca
3 parts intelligence
3 parts silliness
3 parts beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail

I'd like to meet:

People who aren't mean! Women with less attitude and more character...People who are not afraid of themselves and the choices they make and made and will make in the near and not so near future. People who believe in who they are, not what they're told they should, could, would be. Someone who understands they are connected to everything even if only by a string. People who change and know they will change and mold to their choices and not always for the better. Someone aware of themselves and their impact on those not aware of themselves or anything else for that matter. Humans that see we are perfect in our creation but faulted in our expectations of it, much like our expectations of what love is....get over it, love doesn't make promises or extensions of length...We do! Anyone Ok with the conception that Aliens could come here, and change us, for better or worse and we shouldn't open fire on them but find a way (this could be tricky) to issue Visa's. Someone that closes their eyes gently and dreams in peace and is ok with the fact that this world is not that of peace. But holds strong and does not give their power to the outside circumstances, diminishing their very own light and serenity to it. People who didn't vote for Bush even if they were Republicans... Wake up people there are bigger things happening beyond us...


And now for some really wrong humor that can viewed on your very own Prime Time Rapid Moving Picture Maker!


Don't even own one...anyone that I have owned (yes they have come and gone like women)...I've given away...just please take this out of my sight...but it doesn't mean I think any less of anyone who feels a need for them. I would like a 52' plasma screen to hook my computer into and myspace larger then life...definitely don't think they should be in every room of the's?!? Back of the head rest in two seated Mercedes sports coup's???!??? What's going on with this silly human race? Ahhhh...forget sentence structure here!


Written on the Body (and most of Jeanette’s writings), The Alchemist, Any Tom Robbins, Choices, The only Bush I Trust Is My Own, (old school) - The Mists of Avalon, The Harry Potter's (what? I think they are very well written), Documentaries usually entertain me for a short period of time but with all this A.D.D its hard to concentrate … The universe says to me “No matter what you try to do, I will always re-direct you to where you should be headed. And you were never broken…you were simply resisting these changes. But trust me, I’ve patiently loved you this long and that will never change.” See…there I go again…Sigh!


Your Porn Star Name Is...
Marta de Moaner What's Your Porn Star Name?

My Blog


When every step is a new beginning the lines of separation grow more and more difficult to decipher.  We often forget how little we truly know less we understand.  Believe we are making ever...
Posted by Trybecca on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 08:53:00 PST

Telephone Strings...

Oh God, Did you implant in me? Did I implant in you? We're like telephone strings tied to the ends of paper cups&and I can't hear you&you must speak up! What else&what else is up?  In your world&...
Posted by Trybecca on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 01:13:00 PST

When next I came to...

I was terribly game was not playing heart was protruding past the rib cage without echo or understanding...I stopped as I do when coming to and realized I was emerging from a lif...
Posted by Trybecca on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 12:46:00 PST

Simple Words found...

Still was her hand on her chest&still was her breath unpronounced&she was holding something still& Beauty caused a tidal wave&beauty caused the long brigade&bound her there where all was beautiful& Mi...
Posted by Trybecca on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 07:26:00 PST

After thought...

A half vicoden later I'm usually pretty open to everything...If I could project my thoughts I would fill the walls with ghosts and prisms...I would never miss anyone...I would slip beneath your skin t...
Posted by Trybecca on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 02:46:00 PST

great day...great horoscope...

Here is your horoscopefor Friday, July 27:Have faith that the right thing will come along at the right time and in the right way. If you can hold onto that belief, it'll make passing up situations tha...
Posted by Trybecca on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 04:19:00 PST

Interesting Universal please don't text me with questions....

Yeah uh... buy a caddie with a great shock system and just roll with it!   Hang in there for another day as shock waves and surprises are suddenly par for the course. There are now major rip...
Posted by Trybecca on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 06:16:00 PST

Like her...

About someone just like her&but not her& I've been thinking about her a lot& Her eyes...willing them back into existence& I've been wondering about status, happiness and its compromise& How long does ...
Posted by Trybecca on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 09:04:00 PST

Weekly forecast!

never have i been more amused...Just when I started looking for sane simple moments! Save the power plays for an appropriate arena as the week begins -- like (maybe) work. It's not so much about getti...
Posted by Trybecca on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 09:53:00 PST

random lessons...

Sex addicts should not work with the publick!  Laptops are no good in direct sunlight! Animal lovers should have animals and time! Working from home in the summer ='s Poolside, margarita's and p...
Posted by Trybecca on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 10:08:00 PST