Give it a Name.tv is not a person, but a group of people that have committed themselves to self-producing a music-documentary based video entertainment program located primarily in the Oklahoma City metro area. We hope to have it aired on television in the state of Oklahoma soon, but it will most likely be airing on the internet before that ever happens.
Our goal is to open the eyes of people (not just fellow Oklahomans, but any fellow humans) to scenes that they might otherwise miss because of location, the ongoings of their personal lives, or just simple ignorance of what's going on around them. We will be bringing you videos of performances and interviews of local, national and even international bands that we are fortunate enough to have grace our state. Also we will be covering and shooting documentaries over events and issues that we feel are relevant. As we will be trying to represent our viewers as well as ourselves, feel free to drop us a line or two on bands, issues and events that you feel are relevant and we will do our best to make you feel at home with us.
Any questions or comments can be directed to us via myspace messaging or by email at: [email protected]
We will have an FAQ posted as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading, and happy viewing!!
-Schuyler and the Giveitaname.tv crew