The topics of global warming, pollution, alternative energy sources, fuel-efficiency and more continue to show up in the news and media, so it’s important for college students to know how they can become involved in the green movement.
Who we are:
Green Student U is a blog-style site that offers up-to-date information on four definitive topics that are related to the environment and the green movement. The topics we address are:
Your lifestyle is the way that you live, and that includes everything from how you get around and interact with people to the way that you shop and consume food. It takes knowledge about the environment and how to sustain it, as well as a desire to change your old habits and attitudes, to live a happy and healthy eco-lifestyle..
Stories & Successes
Personal and organizational success stories occur every day on college campuses, and they have such a profound impact on surrounding communities that they are changing the way the world views the entire green movement. A single student or an entire campus CAN make a difference around the world.
Our World Today
Environmental reform is a worldwide social and political movement that takes the effort of everyone involved in it to make it a global success, and if you want to get involved you can start by staying up-to-date with what’s happening in the news and media.
Green Campus
Part of the process of living an eco-lifestyle includes helping your college build a sustainable green campus that educates both the administration and the students about environmental issues. If you spread the word, people WILL listen!
Take action!
With a little effort and support from college students and environmentalists across the globe, our world can be a greener and happier place!
How to contact us:
You can either drop us an email here, or you can send any questions or comments to
Want to contribute to our blog?
Contact us and we'd be happy to add you as an author!
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