He began his music adventure at the age of fifteen, when he tried to play music from MC tapes. Time went by and there came CD's, which were being gathered by him. Since that time he performed in a couple of clubs from the neighbourhood and he organised some small parties, still collecting new CD's and vinyls. The turning point in his carrier as a DJ was when he competed in the first edition of West Pomerania DJ 's Championships in AQUARIUM "Srebrna Rybka" club in Insko, where he finished at the second place. Since that time he performs there constantly as a resident of the club you could heard showing his dynamic house sets on every saturday. He performed also in some other clubs in Poland, for example: in STEREO and KWADRANS in Koszalin, TAWERNA in Drawsko Pomorskie, EXTREME club in Suchan, BARAKUDA nearby Pi--a. With his house sets he supported many well known DJ's, as Max & Archi, Sasha Dubrovsky, Xirus, 2 Sweet Blondies, Alien, V-Valdi, Daro, Micro, Carrsten Hell... He loves to play the music and to make all the things he does with it. He proves it playing his sets and you can hear him above all in Aquarium club and at his homepage www.myspace.com/funpl . He always says that it's not about the place you play but it's about the supporters, it's about their feelings after the show!!!!!!!(PL)
Jego przygoda z muzyka zaczela sie w wieku 15 lat kiedy to po raz pierwszy sprobowal swoich sil grajac z kaset magnetofonowych. Z uplywem czasu pojawiy sie plyty CD i zaczal je kolekcjonowac. Od tego momentu zagral w kilku miejscowych klubach oraz sam organizowal niewielkie imprezy przez caly czas powiekszajac swoja kolekcje plyt CD oraz vinyli.
Punktem zwrotnym w jego przygodzie z dj-ka bylo wystartowanie w I edycji MISTRZOSTW DJ-ow POMORZA ZACHODNIEGO w klubie AQUARIUM "Srebrna Rybka" w Insku gdzie zajal drugie miejsce. Od tamtego czasu mozna go uslyszec w kazda sobote jako rezydenta w tym klubie gdzie prezentuje swoje dynamiczne house-owe sety.
Zagral rowniez w STEREO - Koszalin, KWADRANS - Koszalin, TAWERNA - Drawsko Pomorskie, EXTREME – Suchan, BARAKUDA - k.Pily. Swoimi setami supportowal takie gwiazdy jak: MAX & ARCHI, SASHA DUBROVSKY, XIRUS, 2 SWEET BLONDIES, ALIEN, V-VALDI, DARO, MICRO, CARRSTEN HELL...
Kocha muzyke i to co z niej robi. Dowodem na to sa jego sety, ktore mozna uslyszec przede wszystkim w AQUARIUM i znalezc na tej stronie ( http://www.myspace.com/funpl ). Sam mowi, ze nie jest wazne miejsce ale publicznosc, ktora jest zadowolona z dobrej imprezy.