*Ok...heres some random things about me...and when I say random..there also kind of scattered..lmao.
I'm in a relationship with a completely neurotic individual who has a horrible case of " oh something shiny disease " but in any case is still a completely awesome husband.
One of my very best friends is my ex husband.
I have 3 kids. All boys. All crazy. All CUTE BUT EVIL. < they get is from me ;) >
I usually have a dozen or more projects going on at once, half that never get finished.
I am completely addicted to coffee. Even in 110 degree weather. Its frightning.
I collect hoodies, and can't live without flip flops even though I hate wearing shoes period.
I love to plant my flower beds but have a laisez-faire attitude toward weeding and maintence.
I leave my clothes laying everywhere.
I hate doing dishes, but can't stand the smell of wet dogs.
I have a zillion and one candles around my house.
People usually hate my attitude, yet never take time to actually get to know me before they judge.
I come off as cold and caustic.
I’ve been told to smile by strangers.
When I do talk to acquaintances that I need to connect with, I come off as insincere because I stutter and sound guarded. But really I am not.
For some reason, I always have to be talked to first.
I work in an all male prison.
I love to read.
I hate the sun and the heat, but don't like extreme cold either.
I'll do anything for my friends.
People usually piss me off.
I love to ride the Harley but don't near enough.
I need a vacation, maybe Bora Bora.
I can shoot a gun better then most men.
I'm addicted to my BlackBerry even though I don't use half the apps on it.
I have numerous tattoos.
People think I'm mean.
I'll help anyone but screw me over and I forget you exsist.
I hate coleslaw.
I eat my steak rare.
I like beer more then liquor but I’ve lost the ability to truly sleep it off. Which makes for occasional tough weekends.
I have to sleep with my feet out of the covers.
I like lightning but hate thunderstorms.
Politics piss me off.
I get along better with men then women.
I'm a great cook but can't bake to save my ass.
My kids think I'm retarted.
I should probably be on medication.
I'm sarcastic as hell but people say its funny.
I used to run a forklift.
I can drive a tractor trailer.
I love to sing and I'm pretty good at it.
I think sharks are cool, but don't want eaten by one.
Stupid people annoy me. Sometimes I annoy me.
My favorite colors are green and orange.
My favorite animal is the wolf.
I'm short but have pretty long legs.
People say my feet are cute.
How important a piece of information is has no relation to how well I can remember it.
I'm completely scatter brained at times.
I depend entirely too much on my husband to do my laundry.
I love my huge bed but it has caused me to be scornful of sleeping anywhere else.
I never want to buy a huge house. Too hard to clean, and expensive to heat. I just want usable spaces to hold my family and stuff.
I really enjoy cooking, but I don’t do it if I’m hungry at all because I’m impatient.
I hate small insects such as creepy spiders and would prefer that they not crawl on me, especially when I am sleeping.
If you wake me out of a dead sleep by surprise and are within striking distance, you’ll likely get an unconscious punch in the face. The same is going to happen if you sneak up on me or jump out at me with the intent of scaring me.
I'm still not sure what I want to do when I grow up.
Most of my anxieties come from malfunctioning computers, Kids, men, cars and bank accts.
I know it's derivatively inane but there's something about SpongeBob that cracks me up every single time.
I generally like music from all the genres. If it’s a good song I like it.
And the list goes on and on...