.... U R Welcome ....
.... DaRkSouNdzPRoDuxiOnZ aka (STEADY FLOWIN) iz a SOLO-Project from Germany. .... Started 1993 as "Steady Flowin©" and Later in 2006 I became "D.S.P.©" ....
.... My Defintion: "Future Rhythm" and/or "New Age Rap" ....
.... Experimental, Atmospheric MuziK as Timeless BeaTz with Dope Lyrics. ....
.... "Rap-Music" needz a Revolution ! ........ Now Lay back, Blaze one up - Enjoy my Trax and Escape into another World ! ....
.... Take a Trip into my Mind or BanG it in Yo Trunk !!! ......... °DaRkSoUnDzPrOduXionZ© iZ ShOwInG YoU "A NeW FaCe" of HiP HoP, Rapping mEtHoD's, Mixes aNd cReaTive Muzik° ....°.... ThE TiMe hAs cOMe ....°.... ALL the D.S.P.© Stuff at "mySpaCe.com/deespee" and aLL LyrIx aRe CoPyRighteD Material, Created and Invented by tHe oWner (Me) "DaRkSoUnDzPrOduXionZ©" aka Steady Flowin© ........ °aDD mE 2 yA FriEnDz° ........ My Name iz TaRiQ, aka ΜΔŚȚǺΜΊÑé ........ See U soon Again - Thank YOu !!!! ........ PeEze out ! ....
Now playing: Dark Soundz Produxionz
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