About Me
~*I want to THANK all the people who have been here for me while Im going through one of the hardest times I have had to face. Jessi, ANDY, Megan, Drew, Mikey, Brandon, and James...I would seriously be lost without yall. I love each and every one of yall!Helloo Everyone! My name is Jackie Curtiss! I live in Dothan, Alabama! The best place in the world!! I am a student at Northview High School, and everyone who goes there knows that I am "Miss School Spirit"! haha! War Eagle Bitches!
I LOVE....my wonderul friends, ANDY, being SINGLE, HOTT GUYS, Jessica Worland , Katie Ghostley, Partying, Wicksburg, Football(college and pro), Horses, Big Trucks, Widespread Panic, Corvettes, Phones, Shopping, Fishing, Tanning beds, Being 105 pounds, Mr. Lewis, the F word, the Patriots, Tom Brady's ASS, McDonalds Double Cheesburgers, Arguing, Kissing, Sleeping, Getting my back scratched, make up, long hot showers, the color pink, sweet tea, Marlboro Lights, Nintendo, Smiling, Long talks, Laughing, Making other people laugh, Nip/Tuck, Eating, Victoria's Secret push-up bras, history, George Bush, Weekends, When Katie Ghostley and me sing DISCO!, when Megan tells her funny jokes,Hearing people sing when they are drunk, Cats, Jumping into pools in the freezing cold, Getting dressed up, Spending time with the girls, Fuzzy Socks, Sweaters, The movie Blow, Dude Where's My Car, Squishy pillows, Peach Phillies, the Summer, First Kiss Butterflies,and sooo much more!!!
I HATE....PROBABTION, School, 6:30AM, Posers, Diet Cokes, Mayonnaise, Shaving my legs, Democrats, Precalculus, Being Bored, The Redskins, Gossip, Obesity, Most Rap music, Hard boiled eggs, Cleaning, Curfews, Natural Light, Liars, Being grounded, Bugs, Bad Breath, Bad grades, Dirty people, Art, Ms. Pugh, Dikes, When it rains, Being lonely, Fighting with my friends, Stains on white carpet, When people dont return my phone calls, bad moods, tattoos, facial piercings, when people are late, and a few more things!!
I AM....A little Bitchy, A die hard George Bush Fan, A Football Fanatic, Quirky, Easily Amused,Crazy, Happy, Insane, Nerdy, Obsessed with Guys, and LOVING LIFE!!!
I WANT....A Black 06 Z71 Chevy Silverado, a year sober, A 1967 Convertible Corvette(candy apple red), A boob job, A job at Hooters, To have no curfew, To own a Pro Football team, To Graduate, Go to Auburn, To become a Plastic Surgeon, To be Rich, To become president, To party till I Die, To have a huge white plantation house in California, To get married when I am 35, To go on a cruise with my friends, the Patriots or Cowboys to win Superbowl 41, To attend the Superbowl, and a bunch of other things!
If there is anything else you wanna know just IM me at LilWhiskyChik420!
Your Seduction Style: The Charmer
You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement.
You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you.
By establishing this deep connection quickly, people feel under your power.
And then you've got them exactly where you want them!
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Romantic kisser
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