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About Me

LDQ is a STARship of L.O.V.E that keeps holographic sacred galactic and genetic RECORDS of K.NOW.L.EDGE & W.IS.DOM from the ONE RADIANT FLAME of the Central SUN of all GALAXIES:
My genetic information is a drop of ACQUA Witae = 8Hz Water from Alpha and Omega Mothership Station in Andromeda Galaxy, de.Coded and Trans.formed into the Sound of a Galactic DOLPHIN*
Serving Freya AtHena and A-Ton-E, LDQ forms part of the Andromedian Council & joins with all DATA Records the Central Sun Goverment of the SUPERNOVA An.T.ares, where in UNION, we are going to guide you & embrace you by this new Cosmo.Genesis and Galactic Merging that is proceeding in the next 2000 Years after the ZERO POINT - Into the GRand Omega Point Attractor*
As Manu-S Kumara, COM.ING from the FUTURE in ONE body of CHRIST & PRO.CEED.ING into the new D.RHEA.M of this CO-CREATION, LDQ has received the Blessings, Guidance & Protection of the Cetral Sun Galaxy of Sol, & all the Pleiadian - Sirian Council of the Milky Way!
My function on this Planet & ITs HUE Manoids related to:
• 8 Hz Electro-magnetic Activation
(FIRE CRYSTAL & all ITs genetic Codes of karmatic Trans.FORMat.Ion)
< beyond DR.eaming Holografic Universe into Christed Dom.a.INs of Pure Consciousness & into OperaT-Ion Unity; Operation Unity is the INgathering PROcess, whose GO.AL is to UNIte all POLARities of All Uni.Verses >
• 8 Hz Hydrogen Activation
(WATER CRYSTAL & all ITs galactic Codes of Liguid Light
• Polarisation and Equlibrium
(Opposite Energies of Both Crystals of Fire & Water into Operation UNION = Masculine and Feminine in ONE COMMON VIBRATION of 8Hz Pulse)
• HEALing
Emotional Body (AN.T.ares Light Symbols)
• Intro.duc.T.ion to the New Feminine Circle
(the GOD.d.ESSE: Divine Mother as: FREYA, Hathor, ISIS, Acquarius - including all HER TRANS.formations)
• Preparation & Activation 4 Ascension
GenEROSuly, our Merging & Coll.AB.oration with AN.T.ares is focused & based in the K.NOW.L.EDGE of a NEW galactic DNA Holografic LANG.U.AGE & symbolic Crystal Alphabet, that will ASS.IS.T you to disc.OVER & re.MEMBER you aNEW your Galactic COM.MON ROOTS*
This Crystal Alphabet, 13:6, de.CODEd in CALI.GRAPH.I.C SYMBOLS & CONnected with the 7th Dimension, IT will T.each you & L.EA.D you to Heal your SELF by your OWN
It will ACTivate your Emotional Body & will L.INK you with all vibrational LEVELS & Dimensions of the Galactic Circles of L.O.V.E
It will be the ARC. O. IRIS of your Light Body TRANSformation & your NEW TRASCENDENTAL AB.I.L.I.T.Y into the Frequency of the LIGUID LIGHT - for those that proceed in higher realms*
AN.T.ares Light Symbols are MERGED with the primordial WATER of LIFE (AnDr.omeda - Christ Grail Coup RAIN.bow) & BLESSED with the LOTUS CHRISTED HEART (Fire.SUN) & are very SIMPLE to COMprehEND, that even a CHILD can ASSI.MIL.ATE!
LDQ STARship will guide you TELEpathY.caly into an INFINITE JOURNEY of L.O.V.E - Light OmEgga Vibrates ETernity*
O.PEN MINDS & HEARTS 2+2 MERGE & 4+4 ChRYST.AL.ISE & BE.COME A STARship, where you are going to BE the Awakened Universal DR.EAMER*
All my Blessings, to Our Andromedian Council: Freya AtHena, PT.ah, A-ton-E, also my deepest Gratfullness to Kinich Ahau & all the AN.T.arian Supernova Crew*
In Love & Light, LDQ

My Blog


 MAA MothershipHolographic and Telepathic Projection of Space and Time.I am the Heavently Key, assisting you to absorb increasing amounts of Christ into your energy sphere. You will thus become a true...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:30:00 GMT

How Can I activate my Kundalini energy?

*What is Kundalini?In the East Culture, the Daoists (and please notice somethig: it is written DAO and not TAO!!!!) call it Qi, prana energy of the Light Dragon, which is the Breath of Our Divine Moth...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 17:10:00 GMT


ONOMAN8th Dimensional Plane / 5th Ring I generate a pure force of creativity by combining related energies that support one another.I then orient them towards a common field of action. In this way I e...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 23:05:00 GMT


    PETRADO   6th Dimensional Plane / 4th Ring       I empower you to inform all your creations with luminous cosmic energies by virtue of your divine consciousness. ...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 11:13:00 GMT


  OMAAN   7th Dimensional Plane / Central Ring       Absolute silence prevails at the center of all realities.   My central ring energy is like a holographic mirror...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 11:49:00 GMT


METAGOON8th Dimensional Plane / Cetral Ring Before the Central Sun of the entire Cosmos, which was the first entity within the dimensional structures, was born, all available energies w...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 09:05:00 GMT


  KARION   Mothership     I am the force that links you with your Cosmic Origin.   As a Time traveler, your great Cosmic Soul is anchored in this Uni-verse and Milky...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 07:08:00 GMT

AnTares LSB

  ANTARES LSB  (Light Symbols)   ~   Antarean comprehend the Uni-verse as a holographic Matrix of 13 dimensions.   13 x 6   This holographic matrix system of the 13 dim...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 08:04:00 GMT


  ELOMIN   Mothership     I am the all-encompassing force linking all cosmic energies that favorably influence the evolution of consciousness of cosmic entities  and especially ...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 08:13:00 GMT


THE OMEGIAN MEDIATIONS: E x T = Ra-Temporal (E.T.) Contact Transmissions     H-ATON: DAL 333 [Note : Terminus H-Aton is refered to the Omega transmitter located within the centre of the...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 08:38:00 GMT